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i just finished streaming 2 Thai shows and its so i wanna share here!

1. Crazy Little Thing Called Love

This is one lovely Thai show that made me cried at many many parts >.<
its super touching annnnnd is really nice and enjoyable ^^*
thanks song buck for recommending this to meee (: (: (:

Its about a girl who changed from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan
hoping her crush, the campus hearthrob, would acknowledge her existence.

And since its based on an old school kinda love story,
it showed things like how the girl did a few stupid things to get the guy's attention in school,
that rush of excitement she gets when she sees the person she likes, even from afar,
and how its like to zone out at random times of the day becos her mind is too preoccupied by that one person.

I couldn't agree more on the movie saying it was "based on the true story of everyone"
I believe anyone would be able to relate to this movie though i think girls would appreciate it more =D
What I love most will be that Thai shows always manage to depict that old school love story very sweetly ^.^

2. Bangkok Traffic Love Story

I really enjoyed this one as well! Its...just a simple love story..
But somehow, i get really touched by simple things like this's...

The guy and the girl met incidentally. They fell in love. Got broken apart somehow.
But still managed to get back sweetly together eventually.
The girl made some blunders while trying to seek for the guy's attention at first...
The guy did something sweet for the girl somewhere along the show to show his affection...

This is the typical kind of plot Thai romantic comedy movie always have.
But it still remains my favorite kinda movie compared to any other Hollywood shows.
Of course i do watch all the blockbuster movies like The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers and stuff,
but i still secretly ♥ Thai romantic comedy/ comedy films the most ^^*

And god, below is the 1st Thai song that I've ever liked =D
(i mean, who listens Thai songs nowadays :p)

Its a video with a summary of "Bangkok Traffic Love Story"
But But, its Viet Sub hahahahaha cos i cant find the Eng Sub version!!
Whatever la cos the song is really nice and the feeeeeel~ is there!! =3=

Please Send Someone to Love Me by Instinct

kk the eng lyrics are below =D the feeeeel is there right~~ & its right~~
totally fits the female lead in the movie and speaks what i do feel sometimes too >.<

How much longer must I be alone?
How many more times must I sigh?
How many times must love let me down before you’re satisfied?
Turn on love songs and listen to them by myself
Having a one-sided love makes me feel so isolated
I look all around me, but there’s no one in sight
Why does it have to be me?
*I comfort myself, ‘It’ll happen some day’
I’ll meet someone genuine
I keep telling myself that it’ll happen some day
But I have no idea when
(But how much longer must I wait?)
**Please send someone to love me
It’s far too cold living like this
I want to know what true love is like
It’s real, isn’t it?
Please send me my soulmate
So that I won’t feel lonely anymore
Help me understand
And let me be in love with someone for once
I’m so lonely, I can hardly stand it
I try to suppress it, but it never works
I want to know what it’s like to love and be loved
Repeat * / **

With someone for once
Help me understand
And let me be in love with someone for once

Somehow, Thai romantic comedy/ comedy movies never seem to disappoint me =D
There's some other good ones like Hello Stranger, Hello Ghost & ATM.
Suckseed's not bad too and yep, I guess thats all that I've watched already =)