
when the nelers go to town.

 a meetup with bazhang and wengyin once our exams' finally over!
we decided to have marche after much procrastinations,
so this is what happens when theres too many choices!


 we got stir-fried vege with my favourite juicy mushrooms, salami mushroom pizza, fried calamaris,
rosti with chicken sausage, and a cream of mushroom soup to share! this tiny spread may not seem to be a lot
but we were really full after we cleared the plates! everything's nice at marche, really no doubt about the taste (;


 and heres the heels shinye and i both bought from 'new look' at 313.
it's soo pretty we both love it a lot!

so after eating & shopping, we took a walk down orchard road to search for dessert place
but we ended up taking crappy photos along the way:

here's one- meet our sizzling hot bazhang! ;D

❤ how our simple dinner meetup somehow turned into
us walking down orchard road and
posing like hot models along the street!
it was fun hanging out with them =DDD