
to the 3 people who rock my socks!

i know its 3am now but i wanna jolt these down before i hit my bed. so here it goes..

to the 3 of you, bazhang, shinye and wengyin, thankyou and i love you *MUACK*
ive really enjoyed the gathering we've just had and its crazy
that we actually hung out till so late that we're home at 230am.
i have to admit its been long since ive enjoyed so soo much laughter
and i feel really blessed to have you 3 in my life!!

bazhang! you're definitely one of the most amazing guy friend ive had. you always have the answer to whatever question i ask. youre definitely one of the most hilarious person ive met. and youre one who can make me laugh without you trying. just an expression from you. or even just seeing your face, can make me burst into laughter. i love you for all these!!
all the laughters aside, youve been a great friend who gave me great advice when im lost too. you called me weak when i was really depressed last time. you scolded me and made me 'wake up'. you asked me to be stronger, cry if i want to, but get stronger after that. yea man, thanks for scolding me. youre the only friend who had scolded me. other friends don't scold me, they give me encouragement and ask me to take care.

shinye! i think shopping really played a big part in us getting close together to the best friends we are now! we always seem to like the same stuff and share similar shopping habits! we can be splurging our money away once we see things we like but yet we can be stingy at times. sounds like we have split personality haha. but who cares, we're women. being fickle-minded is one of a woman's trait! and yes! we have to go travelling together one day! (bangkok, hongkong and any other shopping heaven, all of them) i wanna buy the same clothes, the same shoe and the same bag with you! ive lost count of the number of similar items we've had but i know theres definitely one more being added to our collection: the black heels we bought together from new look today. *hee*
feels so comfortable whenever we're hanging out together and time always seem to fly past so fast while we're busy catching up and gossiping away! htht talks once in a while's great too even though there are times i just wanna swallow all my troubles up but end up spilling everything out to you ;p
anyway, we're moving on to our next stage of life soon/NOW! all the best to our job hunting! we need income to sponsor more of our spendings!

wengyin! youve been my loyal movie companion up till now and im glad we're still making the effort to keep in touch even though youve started working since a year ago! you always seem to be able to detect my emotions, whether im really happy, sad or troubled. you make me feel so transparent in front of you! but thank you, for the times when you asked if im okay whenever you sense that something's wrong with me; and offered me a pair of listening ears. im glad that i have you to share the nitty-gritties in life. those lame jokes, those laughters, everything! and you know i love you! and i love love updating you whenever something really good/bad happens to me. hee guess sharing's the greatest bond between us (:

cant love you 3 more after a really great catch up session just now!

ps: stay in my life forever i don't care! :D
you guys rock my socks! (don ask me why socks, they just rhythm!)