
Wonderland, Natalie Kills

I'm not Snow White, but I'm lost inside this forest
I'm not Red Riding Hood, but I think the wolves have got me
Don't want those stilettos, I'm not, not Cinderella
I don't need a knight, so baby, take off all your armor

You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty-beauty
Who needs true love as long as you love me truly?
I want it all, but I want you more
Will you wake me up, boy, if I bite your poison apple?

love them lyrics ❤


MFW afterparty / MTV's Rock it with Utt.

 the stage before the concert and look how misty the place already was before the party even started.

 we had a walk around the fashion metropolis area and this is one that caught my eyes!
designs by Kim Choong-Wilkins that were previously wore by models for a fashion show just earlier on.
jeremy keep arguing with me that these were women's wear till i show him the men's fashion week video.
mwahahaha hilarious jeremy as usual.

braided up my fringe like finally? been wanting to braid them up nicely for the longest time and here it is!

and this boy im out with for the night is a mega camwhore! he keep wanting to pose for pictures
and constantly abused my camera by snapping lots of random pictures away the entire night.
still, i have to thank this guy here whos been a really great company! hes still the same,
good at tickling people with his funny actions and random babblings
& my cheeks literally went sore from all those laughters, really!

here they are, out after the concert for some phototaking :D the front area's actually too crowded
for us to squeeze in for a peek but guess what, jeremy kipnapped my camera and squeezed right 
through to snap pictures of them. he even zoomed in on nat for me -.-
the 5 of us at the back were so embarrassed for having sucha ___________ friend out here with us.
HAHAHA fill in the blank on your own. i cant find any word to describe him here! 

 nat and eileen. gorgeous photo isnt it? i actually like this one more than the one i had with nat ;p

 holly, the new MTV VJ, and jeremy! new eyecandy cos shes sucha pretty babe, friendly as well!

 utt and ppt. whats this party without utt anyway?
 just to wrap up, this MTV Rock it With Utt MFW afterparty's pretty short
but its still pretty enjoyable since we're able to catch eyecandies over there hee.
nat's first live performance's really great and he can actually sing and dance very well.
i wanna see him live again next time! (:


free tickets to see utt!

 good things do happen when you least expect it:
like winning free tickets to the MEN'S FASHION WEEK SHOW at MBS!!
which means ill get to see utt, nat, and julian hee tonight *∩_∩*
hee i seriously cant wait to get down already damn EGGCITED!

(hope theres a fashion show to watch other than the focus on music thou. i wonder if there is. HOPE SO!)

and heres some rehearsal pics ive grabbed from facebook:

i never knew nat could sing/dance!! but from the pics he seem pretty prepared on debuting his first live performance (;
and utt, still as spontaneous and fun-loving as always hahaha, just look at that funny pose of him on the pic above!